

It was a blustery winter wonderland on Williams Hill for Winter 父母 and Family Weekend Feb. 16–17. 关于 200 parents and families arrived on campus throughout the day Friday to visit classes, 参加表格相关的项目, enjoy time with their children as well as other parents and faculty members, 参加冬季音乐剧“恐怖小店”,为黑人加油 & 体育比赛金牌.
德里克·洛根93年, 他的妻子, 塔基亚和他们的女儿, 也叫Takia, drove three hours and barreled through a snow squall from their home in New Jersey to visit their son Derrick ’27. 这是值得的, Takia说, 不仅是为了见她的儿子, 也是为了和朋友们团聚, 与老师交谈,让自己完全融入社区.
“Westminster still allows you to parent and they work very closely with you to keep you a part of the community. [校长] 伊莲白 was very straightforward and upfront about how well she is going to get to know your student and how she is going to work with you to keep your child in line with what your vision is for their future. 作为一个母亲,这真的引起了我的共鸣.”

给老德里克., who attended his son’s physics class, the visiting campus was a bit of a walk down memory lane. 在物理, 他承认, “我不得不重新振作起来,因为已经有一段时间了, 但我和数据打交道, 所以数学并不陌生.”
Other parents also expressed an appreciation for the opportunity to attend classes and gain a picture of what and how their children are learning.
梅根·希里曼, 谁来探望她的女儿, 麦肯齐的26, attended four classes for the first time and afterward she watched her daughter at hockey practice. 对麦肯齐来说,她喜欢妈妈来上课. “这让这一天轻松多了,”她说.
在课间和午饭时间, parents had a chance to admire the student artwork in Baxter Gallery and in Fearn Hall.
周五的课堂访问之后, parents attended the 教堂 program before enjoying a buffet lunch in the Gund Dining Room in 阿姆斯特朗食堂. 在下午, Third and Fourth Form parents had the opportunity to attend “Mapping Your Child’s Journey at Westminster,” a panel discussion on how to set your child up for personal success in academics, 皇冠有钱手机app, 和课外活动,同时追求他们独特的兴趣. 五年级的家长可以参加“模拟大学皇冠2021app下载地址委员会”,” an interactive exercise for them to learn about the many factors that go into the college admissions process and decision making. Sixth Form parents had an introduction to how Westminster engages young alumni after graduation, 从参观大学到建立职业关系网, 在《皇冠有钱手机app》中.”

下午晚些时候, a Class of 2025 父母 Reception and Class Gift Kickoff and a 父母’ Reception took place at Pratt House. 上课前宣布礼物, White told parents that they play a vital role in not only the day-to-day of the school but also in the rich traditions at Westminster such as the class gift.
Fifth Form Dean Kelly Wosleger said the Class of 2025 has a special bond and enjoy spending time with each other, which inspired their class gift of a multi-purpose deck to be located between the paddle courts and hockey rink that will be a social gathering place.
卡拉·林奇,23年级学生, ’25, a member of the  父母’ Class Gift Committee noted: “T在这里 are two beautiful paddle courts t在这里, 但这片区域的其他地方需要一些关爱. And I think this class gift could really do that and really bring the whole Westminster community t在这里 to enjoy it.”
招待会结束后, the community enjoyed dinner before Dramat’s evening performance of “Little Shop of Horrors.” 
在周六, 家长有更多的机会去上课, enjoy coffee and conversation with the 大学咨询 Office and watch more athletic matches before bundling up for the ride home.
查看更多图片 在这里.



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